The mission of ELLLC is to ensure that the under- and post-graduate education of dietitians is of the highest standard, to enhance the individual dietitian’s practice through education and continuous professional development (CPD) and to support EFAD in achieving the highest quality of education and learning for the dietetic workforce in Europe.
Broader key benefits include ensuring the safety and welfare of dietetic service users, building societal trust in the dietetic profession and maintaining the integrity of the profession.
Who we are

Professor in Dietetics
University of Nottingham, UK

Lecturer in Nutrition
San Pablo-CEU University, Madrid, Spain

Invited Assistant Professor and Academic Services Coordinator
Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto, Portugal

Course Director of the M.Sc. Human Nutrition and Dietetics programme at the University of Limerick

President of German Association of Dietitians

Registered dietitian
Member of the Union of Dietitians – Nutritionists of Greece

Lecturer at the UC Leuven-Limburg (BE), professional bachelor in Nutrition & Dietetics (an Education Associate member of EFAD).

Dietitian, MSc, AP University of Applied Sciences Antwerp, Belgium

Assistant Professor in Clinical Nutrition at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics Sciences of Hellenic Mediterranean University
History of the ELLLC
The Education and Lifelong Learning Committee (ELLLC) originated in 2010 during the EU-Project DIETS2. The ELLLC was established to sustain the initial efforts and assist HEIs and NDAs in implementing outcomes from DIETS1 and 2.
Since EFAD’s establishment in 1978, numerous initiatives have aimed to enhance the practice of dietetics in Europe. EFAD has formulated standards for the education, training, and practice of dietitians in Europe (adopted in 2005 and updated in 2018) and European standards for practice placement requirements (adopted in 2010 and updated in 2022), a European standard for advanced dietetic competencies (adopted in 2012), Pedagogical standards for practice placement teachers (adopted in 2013) and a Lifelong learning (LLL) strategy (adopted in 2013).
The conclusion of the Thematic Networks for Improving Education and Training Standards for Dietitians in Europe (DIETS1 and 2), along with the inclusion of higher education institutions (HEIs) as Education Associate Members, offer fresh prospects to support national dietetic associations (NDAs).