Executive Committee
The Executive Committee, together with the Executive Director, represents EFAD and looks after the interests of dietitians at the highest European level.
The Executive Committee prepares and implements policies, the Strategic Plan, and annual workplans derived from it. The board reports to members during the annual General Meeting.
The Executive Committee is made up of an Honorary President, an Honorary Vice President and an Honorary Treasurer. There are also a minimum of three member associations representatives, plus the chairs of the committees.
The work of the Executive Committee is supported by an Executive Director and an Office Manager.
Who we are:

EFAD Honorary President

EFAD Honorary Vice President

EFAD Honorary Treasurer

Delegate of the Spanish General Council of Dietitians-Nutritionists

Delegate of the Norwegian Association of Clinical Dietitians

Delegate of the German Dietetic Association

Chair of Research and Evidence Based Practice Committee

Chair of the Education and Lifelong Learning Committee

Chair of Professional Practice Committee

EFAD Executive Director