
Eduard Baladia is affiliated to Knowledge Management Area of the Academia Española de Nutrición y Dietética, Pamplona, Spain; is associate professor at Department of Experimental and Methodological Sciences in the University of Vic, Spain; and member of EFAD (European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians) Research & Evidence Based Practice Committee. Eduard actively participates in courses and training to support evidence-based dietetic practice.
Eduard Baladia holds a B.S. degree in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (University of Barcelona, Spain), a M.S. degree in Research and Advances in Preventive Medicine and Public Health (University of Granada, Spain).
Currently in a PhD program about the “Use systematic reviews to justify, design and place the results in context of earlier studies in the field of Nutrition”.

Sofie Joossens is affiliated to the Program of Health, University Colleges Leuven-Limburg, Belgium and the European Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD), EFAD Research & Evidence Based Practice as well as the Education & Life Long Learning Committee.
Sofie Joossens is active in the program of Nutrition & Dietetics (UCLL, Belgium) and for over 15 years lecturer with a focus on EBP. She is also member of the Flemish Dietetic Association EBP committee. As such, Sofie actively participates in courses and training to support evidence-based dietetic practice.
Sofie Joossens holds a B.S. degree in Nutrition and Dietetics (Rega School, Louvain), a M.S. degree in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Ph.D. degree in Medical Sciences from the Catholic University of Louvain (BE).