This webinar is organised by ESDN Gastroenterology and aims to discuss the pathophysiology of celiac disease compared to non-celiac gluten hypersensitivity (NCGS). The dietary approaches regarding their management will be in parallel presented and an open discussion will follow regarding the recognition of symptoms, the diagnosis and the diet therapy.

Emilia Vassilopoulou is an Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the International University of Greece (IHU).
She holds a BSc in Nutrition and Dietetics from Harokopio University, a PhD from the Medical School of the University of Athens (E.K.P.A.), during which she worked -through a Marie Curie scholarship- at the Institute of Food Research (IFR) and the University Hospital of Amsterdam (AMC), on food allergens characterization. During her post-doctoral research, she worked on the eating behaviour of allergic individuals and the nutritional factors that contribute to immunonutrition in infants and children. Later she studied Psychology (BSc) at the Neapolis University of Paphos. She worked as an Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus (2011-2018).
Her main research interests are relevant to allergic diseases and allergen characterization, immunomodulation through diet, the effect of nutrition on neurological and mental/psychiatric disorders, and (disordered) eating behaviours. She has more than 85 relevant scientific publications in scientific journals with referees, 4 related chapters in books and 2 monographs, as well as participation in related research programs and scientific conferences.