34th General Meeting 2023 and 14th EFAD Congress
The 34th General Meeting wil take place at the Danubius Helia Hotel, Kárpát utca 62-64, 1133 Budapest, Hungary.
It will be followed by the 14th EFAD Congress ‘Dietetic Care, a human right: moving forward into a new era’, on 13 and 14 October 2023. You are invited to participate and take the opportunity to network, exchange knowledge and create a vibrant congress.
General meeting information:
The 34th General Meeting consists of two parts: a business meeting in the morning and non-business session in the afternoon. A Presidents meeting and ESDN Leads meeting will take place subsequently.
The delegation at the General Meeting Business Meeting (09:00 to 12:00) is limited to two delegates per Member Association, or three delegates from associations who are members of the Executive Committee. Affiliate member associations are invited to attend the business meeting, but are not entitled to vote.
Attendance of the afternoon session (13.00 – 16.00) is open to Full, Affiliate and Education Associate member, plus the leads of the Committees, ESDNs and ENDietS.